The term “ NATIONAL INTEGRATION” is made up of two words- 1. National 2. Integration. It implies the presence of a number of Nations which get integrated into each other. For example, Maharashtrian Nation, Punjabi Nation, etcetra which get integrated with each other to form a bigger common entity called “Indian”. But, such integration does not necessarily guarantee that these constituent Nations shall feel the presence of a common bigger nation composed of all such smaller nations. The individuals constituting these constituent nations may still harbor feelings of being part of a separate nation like “I am first a Maharashtrian, then an Indian”.
On the other hand, “Integrated Nationalism” leads to the feeling that “I am first a member of the Indian Nation, then a Member of Maharashtrian Nation.” Majority of individuals in each constituent nation get integrated with members of other nations leading to the feeling of being first the part of a bigger common nation and thereafter only the member of constituent nations. For example, a Hindu feels integrated with a Muslim on levels of culture, human feelings, respect for each other’s religion and so on. Thus, both a Hindu and a Muslim gets integrated and come to have a feeling of commonality- having something bigger in common- THE BIGGER NATION. This bigger identity overshadows the smaller identity. Thus, the Nationalism resulting from such integration is longer lasting than both the NATIONAL INTEGRATION AND INCLUSIVE NATIONALISM.
The concept of Inclusive Nationalism is Narrower, restricted, smaller than the concept of the Integrated Nationalism. Semantically speaking, the use of the word “Inclusive” implies mere inclusion and not necessarily the integration. For example, the Bigger Nation may include smaller nations like Hindu, Muslim, Christian. These nations may have a sense of being included in the bigger sphere called “Nationalism”. But, these entities may still not have any feelings of integration/bond with each other. These entities may still at any time think of breaking away from the Bigger common Nation. But, in the case of “Integrated Nationalism”, this breaking/separating away does not happen because members of these nations lane already wielded, glued , bonded, integrated with each other so solidly that they come to have a feeling of oneness on some long lasting levels, thereby rarely contemplating breaking/ separation from each other/the bigger Nation. The aim of the policy makers in any polity must be to achieve THE INTEGRATED NATIONALISM and not the National Integration or the Inclusive Nationalism. The Maa Bhaaratee Paartee shall strive to achieve THE INTEGRATED NATIONALISM. |