Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Is the September 11, 2001 Embedded in the USA's Currency Dollar's Symbol "$"?

1]. It is quite interesting to examine the symbol of the Currency of the USA, that is the Dollar symbol “$”.
2].The symbol "$" is made up of the two elements - S and 1 or S + 1
3].The alphabet 'S' is the 19th in number in succession/order from the first alphabet "A" in the English language.
4]. Now, the alphabet "S" stands as a short form for the month of the September.
5].The symbol "$" consists of two different numbers, i.e., S = 19 and 1
6]. S = 19 or 1+9 = 10 or 1+0 = 1
7].The symbol "$" means S and 1= [19] and 1 or [1+9] and 1 or [10] and 1 or [1] and 1 or 1 and 1 or 11
8].So, the symbol "$" = September 11
9]. Now, the next interesting question is how can we say that the year 2001 is embedded in the symbol "$", too?
Let us examine this aspect as under:
We have already seen above that the symbol "$" is made up of the two elements - S and 1.
Now, the symbol "$" means ‘S’ and ‘1’. This time, let us add the numerical values of these two different elements.
"$" = S+1 = 19+1 = 20                                          ..................... [a]
So, the number ‘20’ indicates the first two digits of the year.
Now, we have to find the remaining two last digits.
This time we shall subtract the numerical value of the alphabet 'S' [19] from the total additive numerical value of the symbol "$" [20] in the following novel way:

- 19

01                                                                             ....................... [b]
Now, this numerical value "01" is indicative of the last two digits of the year to be found.
Therefore, [a] and [b] or [20] and [01] = 20 and 01 = 2001
So, the year is 2001
Now, it's fully clear that the symbol of the Currency of the USA, that is the Dollar symbol "$" carried embedded within itself the indications about the most unfortunate tragedy of the 11th September 2001.
NOTE: Generally, it’s easier to decode these important historical dates/events once these have happened. But, it really is pretty much difficult to decode these dates/events in advance.

Monday, July 19, 2010

भारतीय 'रूपया' के लिए सर्वथा उचित प्रतीक - उदघाटित दैवीय/ इश्वरिय सत्य [THE CORRECT SYMBOL FOR THE INDIAN RUUPAYAA - THE DIVINE INSPIRATION]

[१] मैं कोई मन्त्र-स्रष्टा, यंत्र-स्रष्टा या प्रतीक-स्रष्टा नहीं हूँ. मैं तो मात्र एक मन्त्र-द्रष्टा, यंत्र-द्रष्टा या प्रतीक-द्रष्टा हूँ. भारतीय 'रूपया' के लिए मुझे गहन ध्यान-साधना में जो सही व सर्वथा उचित मन्त्र, यंत्र/प्रतीक द्रष्टव्य हुआ वही सही व सर्वथा उचित मन्त्र, यंत्र/प्रतीक 'रू' मैं पहले भी इस ब्लॉग पर एक अन्य लेख के माध्यम से उदघाटित कर चुका हूँ और इस वर्त्तमान लेख के माध्यम से भी पुन्ह उदघाटित कर दिया है.

[२] मुझे गहन ध्यान-साधना में, जो भारतीय सरकार द्वारा 'रूपया' के लिए चुने गये, सर्वथा गलत अनुचित प्रतीक के बारे में द्रष्टव्य हुआ वह सब मैं इस ब्लॉग पर एक अन्य लेख के माध्यम से उदघाटित कर चुका हूँ.

[३] मेरे माध्यम से उदघाटित उपर्युक्त दैवीय/ इश्वरिय सत्य से लाभ लेना या न लेना भारतवर्ष की सरकार, नेताओं और भारतवासियों पर निर्भर करता है. मैंने उपर्युक्त दैवीय/ इश्वरिय सत्य का उदघाटन/प्रकाशन कर के भारतवर्ष के प्रति अपना कर्त्तव्य निभा दिया है.


[१]. भारतीय रूपया के लिए चुना गया नया त्रुटिपूर्ण प्रतीक भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण सिद्ध होने वाला है. नए प्रतीक में जो आड़ी रेखा है वह एक प्रकार से भाला का प्रतीक है. ऐसा भाला जो रूपया-रूपी अर्थ-पुरूष की छाती को चीरता हुआ इस अर्थ-पुरूष की पीठ से बाहर निकल रहा है! यह भाला इस अर्थ-पुरुष को लहूलुहान कर देगा!
[२] अमेरिका की करेंसी के प्रतीक US$ में 'S' के सिर को चीरती हुई एक खड़ी रेखा है जो कि अंक १ का प्रतीक है. इस अंक १ में एक और अंक १ मिला लीजिये. अब यह अंक ११ बन जाता है. 'S' का मतलब हुआ सितम्बर. अर्थात, US$ का मतलब हुआ ११ सितम्बर! सारा विश्व जानता है कि ११ सितम्बर २००१ की दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना के बाद से अमेरिका की अर्थव्यवस्था चरमरा गयी है और अमेरिका विश्व में  प्रथम स्थान से फिसल गया है.
[३] भारतीय संस्कृति में प्रतीकों का बड़ा महत्व है. प्रतीक एक प्रकार से एक यंत्र ही होता है. जैसे लक्ष्मी-यंत्र, कुबेर-यंत्र आदि. गलत यंत्र का चुनाव आपके  लिये दुर्भाग्य और सही यंत्र का चुनाव आपके लिये सौभाग्य लाता है.
भारतीय रूपया का वर्तमान त्रुटिपूर्ण प्रतीक या यंत्र भयंकर ऋणात्मक ऊर्जा उत्पन्न कर रहा है. अब आप स्वयं ही विचार कीजिये कि जब यह त्रुटिपूर्ण प्रतीक या यंत्र करोड़ो की संख्या में प्रयोग होगा तब यह त्रुटिपूर्ण प्रतीक या यंत्र कितनी भयंकर एवं प्रचंड ऋणात्मक ऊर्जा उत्पन्न करेगा!
[४] भारतीय रूपया का वर्तमान त्रुटिपूर्ण प्रतीक या यंत्र वर्तमान भारतीय UPA /कांग्रेस सरकार और उसके नेताओं के लिये किसी वर्तमान या भावी दुर्भाग्य की ओर संकेत कर रहा है!
[५] भारतीय रूपया का सही प्रतीक 'रू' है ओर भारतीय रूपया का सही बीज-मन्त्र 'रूं' है. जिस किसी श्रेष्ठ भारतीय साधिका या साधक की भारतीय अर्थ-व्यवस्था को अत्यंत शक्तिशाली एवं स्मृध्शाली बनाने की इच्छा है वह इस बीज-मन्त्र 'रूं' का, माता महालक्ष्मी को देवता रूप में स्थापित कर के, तीन वर्षों तक किसी सुयोग्य गुरु के मार्ग-दर्शन एवं सानिन्ध्य में, एकांत में जाप करे!
NOTE: Please, get this Hindi language page translated into the English language by some excellent translator if you wished to read it in the English language because I have noticed that the translation done automatically by the software on this page is not the CORRECT and FULL translation of the above-written Hindi language article!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Elementary Particle – RECTANGULAR, CUBOID, CUBE or CUBICAL?

1. The Introduction:

The Water-Cock tells Satyakama in the Chhandogyaa Upaneshada that the fourth PAADA/STEP or the characteristic of the BRHMA [ABSOLUTE] is that the BRHMA is ‘AAYATANASWARUUPA’. The word ‘AAYATANASWARUUPA’ is made up of two parts: AAYATANA [RECTANGULAR BODY] + SWARUUPA [FORM]. The word AAYATANA consists of two roots: AAYATA [RECTANGLE] + TANA [BODY]. The word ‘AAYATANA’ would then mean ‘the RECTANGULAR BODY’. So, the word ‘AAYATANASWARUUPA’ would mean ‘the ONE HAVING THE FORM OF A RECTANGULAR BODY’.


The word ‘AAYATAAKAARA’ in the English language means ‘the RECTANGULAR’. The word ‘GHANA’ in the English language means ‘the CUBE’. Obviously, the words ‘the RECTANGULAR’ and ‘the CUBE’ carry different meanings.

Then, how come the author of the instant article has said that the basic, elementary and fundamental particle, in an earlier article, is CUBICAL in structure?

2. The Discussion:

First of all, let us see the meanings of the terms the RECTANGLE, RECTANGULAR, CUBE, CUBIC and CUBOID as understood in the English and the Hindi languages.

[A] The Oxford ADVANCED LEARNER’S DICTIONARY of Current English, edited by A S Hornby and others, Seventh edition, 2005, published by the Oxford University Press defines the words Rectangle, Cube, Cuboid and Cubic as follows:


“A flat shape with four straight sides two of which are longer than the other two and four angles of 90 degrees"


“A solid or hollow figure with six equal square sides. ”


*Noun (geometry) – “A solid object which has six RECTANGULAR sides at RIGHT ANGLES to each other. “

*Adjective – “Shaped approximately like a cube. “


“Having the shape of a cube. “

[B] The page number 711, The BHARGAVA’S STANDARD ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (Anglo-Hindi Edition) Twelfth Edition (1965), Reprint, January 1980, published by BHARGAVA Book Depot, VARANASI (BANARAS), India gives the meaning of the word RECTANGLE and RECTANGULAR as shown below:






Thosa Ghana

The word ‘Thosa’ in the English language means a ‘Solid’.

The word ‘AAYATAAKAARA’ means ‘the RECTANGULAR’. The word ‘GHANA’ means ‘the cube’.

[C] Visualise a cuboid having 6 faces with the upper, lower, front and back faces being RECTANGULAR in shape. Also, visualize this cuboid having the left and the right faces as being SQUARE in shape.

Now, anyone who looks at the front, back, lower or upper face of this cuboid shall call it as being RECTANGULAR or ‘the AAYATAAKAARA’ in shape. But, the person who looks at the left or the right face of this cuboid shall term it to be SQUARE in shape and CUBIC or ‘the GHANA’ in structure. The fact remains that it is a cuboid only despite two different perceptions.

We further notice that a cuboid is shaped approximately like a cube. In other words, we may say that a cuboid is a special kind of cube only.

3. The Conclusion:

Hence, there is no contradiction between the Water-Cock telling Satyakama in the Chhandogyaa Upaneshada that the fourth PAADA/STEP or the characteristic of the BRHMA [ABSOLUTE] is ‘AAYATANASWARUUPA’ and the BRHMA [ABSOLUTE] being called the ‘SACH-CHEDAANANDAGHANA’ [SAT+CHETA+AANANDA+GHANA].

There is no word in the English dictionary which reconciles the above two differing perceptions. So, the author of the instant article has chosen/invented the new word ‘CUBICAL’ as a compromise to reconcile the above two differing perceptions.

Friday, July 16, 2010


The Indian government has recently cleared a certain design as the symbol for the Indian ‘RUUPAYAA’. However, this selected symbol is totally wrong and does not reflect the true spirit of the Indian ‘RUUPAYAA’. The selected symbol combines the English ‘R’ with the Hindi ‘RA’. This combination is wrong because the Indian currency is pronounced as ‘RUUPAYAA’ and not as ‘RAPAYAA’ [which is indicated by the use of the ‘R’].

The CORRECT symbol for the Indian ‘RUUPAYAA’ must reflect the ‘RUU’ of the ‘RUUPAYAA [RUU+PA+YAA]’. The correct symbol reflecting this ‘RUU’ correctly combines the Roman ‘RUU’ as well.

Therefore, it is demanded strongly that the Indian government derecognize the INCORRECT symbol for the Indian 'RUUPAYAA' that has been chosen by the Indian government. Instead, it must choose the correct symbol that has been stated, described and explained in the following/attached document dated 16th of July, 2010 by SWAAMEE APRTEMAANANDAA JEE.

For more interesting discussion on the topic, log onto following link:


Friday, July 9, 2010

The Soul/Aatma Tatva/Elementary Particle 'Satyaghana' is 'Cubical' in structure!

What is the structure of the basic matter from which our soul is made of? In other words, what is the structure of the ultimate finest elementary particle in this universe?

It is well known that the Sunlight in our solar system has electromagnetic properties and consists of packets called photons. The photon is said to be massless having no electric charge and is said to not decay spontaneously in empty space.
One may feel tempted to conclude the soul to be made of the photon, since the Aatma Tatva is massless, possesses no electric charge in its final resting phase and does not decay [a soul is never born and can never be destroyed]. However, it’s not so as we will see in the later part of this brief article.
It is said that the PUURNNA BRHMA is a state which is beyond the VAANNEE and the MANA. In other words, a state from where the VAANNEE and the MANA return without being able to cross it.
Till the AKSSHARA BRHMA stage, one may continue hearing the inaudible ANHATA NAADA [SOUND] or the INAUDIBLE RHYTHM. The rhythm can only be possible when some kind of energy is present. Till this stage, the energy continues to be present. The energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it changes forms only. So, till this stage we witness the soul manifesting itself in different forms like the GODS/GODDESSES, HUMANS, etcetra with the help of this energy [SHAKTE].
After crossing the NEHA-AKSSHARA stage, the soul is said to merge into the PUURNNA AKSSHARA BRHMA and never returns. It goes into a state of motionlessness which is possible only in the absence of the energy of any kind. It becomes a part of the all pervading basic matter from which this universe is made of, i.e, the AATMA TATVA.
The modern BIG BANG theory states that the universe starts with a bang from the basic matter which starts expanding into galaxies and so on. This theory further states that the universe shall one day contract to its original position. THIS IS SIMILAR TO ‘THE YOGEE-MATA’ prevalent in India, that states that the creation starts with a big NAADA and shall one day be destroyed through the PRLAYA and go back to its original position. The other modern theory called the STEADY STATE theory states that the universe continues to be in a state of steadiness with new things like galaxies getting formed and destroyed. It says that the universe has been there in existence as such, continues as such and shall continue to reman as such.This is similar to the ‘VAEESHNNNAVA-MATA’ of India which says that there is nothing such as birth or destruction of the universe. It says that the universe is ANAADE [WITH NO BEGINNING] and ANANTA [WITH NO END]. According to it, the universe is an eternal steady flow.
So, to me, it seems possible that what is stated about the AATMA TATVA through the story of one SATYAKAMA in the CHHANDOGYA UPANESHADA may very well be true, too.
The story in brief goes like this: Satyakama is returning to his guruu’s aashrama after a period of 12 years along with cows. On the way back, Satyakama receives BRHMAGYAANA through an OX, the FIRE, the SWAN and the WATER-COCK who tell him about 4 characteristics of the BRHMA [AATMA] TATVA.
The Ox tells him that the BRHMA is PRKAASHASWARUUPA [LIKE LIGHT], the Fire tells him that the BRHMA is ANANTA [WITH NO END], the Swan says that the BRHMA is JYOTESHHMAANA [LUMINOUS] and the Water-cock tells him that the BRHMA is AAYATANASWARUUPA [CUBICAL in structure].
The word PRKAASHASWARUUPA indicates the stage of the NAADA BRHMA [AKSSHARA BRHMA] in which there is both the sound energy and the light. The light indicated here may be somewhat akin to the photon-properties.
The word ANANTA indicates the stage of the NEHA-AKSSHARA BRHMA.
The word JYOTESHHMAANA [LUMINOUS] indicates the stage of the PUURNNA BRHMA in which the soul becomes one with the luminous.
Well, we may note carefully here that we generally take the light and the luminosity to be almost the same phenomenon. However, as indicated here, these are altogether two different properties of the BRHMA. The word JYOTESHHMAANA [LUMINOUS] does not indicate the presence of any photon-like elementary particle. It indicates the presence of some other kind of finest elementary particle devoid of any kind of energy, motion or action. It is a stage of total rest/motionlessness for the soul.
The word AAYATANASWARUUPA indicates clearly that the finest elementary particle from which soul is made is CUBICAL in structure! It seems to be quite logical because a particle in motion may acquire a round or elliptical shape/structure. But, a particle which is in total state of rest may very well have a CUBE-LIKE structure. That is why the PUURNNA BRHMA is said to be the ‘SACH-CHEDAANANDAGHANA’. The word 'GHANA' means a 'CUBE'.
After Satyakama who has been mentioned in this article, I would like to call this elementary, ultimate and fundamental cubical particle as the ‘Satyaghana’ particle.

REFERENCE: The document reproduced below: